Using Hashtag “#” and Mention “@” Symbols in Social Media Posts

Using hashtags and mentions is a great way to increase the reach of your social media posts. Hashtags(#) categorize your posts for specific topics, making it easier for others to find our posts. Mentions (@) allow you to mention other users of Hearsay (when using this feature in Hearsay). 

Click on the desired section to learn more about each feature.

How to Use Hashtags "#"

How to Use Mentions "@"

How to Use Hashtags "#"

The “#” symbol, or “hashtag”, is used in front of a word or phrase in order to signify a specific topic or message. Hashtags can be used both in Hearsay Social and natively on the social media platform, as permitted by your compliance team. 

Start by typing "#" and enter your words or phrase. Be sure to include relevant hashtags. We suggest keeping the number of hashtags under 10. Tip: capitalize the first letter of each word when using multiple words.


How to Use Mentions "@"

The “@” symbol is used when you want to address or name someone in a post. Some examples include tagging someone in a photo or naming someone in a status. When you use the “@” symbol, the entity you are tagging will be notified and their contacts will likely be able to see this tagged material depending on the tagged user's privacy settings.

On the Hearsay Social desktop version, you can mention your colleagues and your colleagues' profiles or business pages to increase visibility and drive engagement as long as the individual who owns the page is part of the Hearsay program at your organization. To tag a colleague, begin by typing "@" and the colleague's name or page name. Then select their name from the list.

This functionality in Hearsay works for both end users creating original content and admins who are creating content for the Suggested Post Library.


To mention a LinkedIn Company Page, type "@@" and the business name. For example: "@@ABCBank" tags the bank in a post or lists suggestions in the post editor of business pages with similar names. Select the business page from the dropdown. This can also be used to tag Instagram accounts and Twitter profiles.

Note: When mentioning a Twitter (X) profile, you must enter the exact name of the account you're mentioning. Partial searches are not allowed by the Twitter platform. 


Keep in mind that this functionality is not yet available on the Hearsay Social app on your phone. However, you can use mentions natively on each social network to tag users outside of Hearsay.

Hashtags "#" and "@" or "@@" mentions are available for these platforms:

  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Instagram

Hashtags "#" still work on Facebook. However, Meta no longer supports the @@ mentions for Facebook Business Pages.

Note: Instagram doesn’t validate names, so anything typed after the @ or @@ symbol in Instagram is clickable.


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