View All Testimonials

This only applies if your organization requires you to comply with the SEC's marketing rules on testimonials. If you aren't sure if this applies to you, contact your administrator.  

You can view the testimonials you've received or attested to through Hearsay from the Social screen, on the Testimonials tab.

On the Testimonials tab, each testimonial has one of these statuses:

Due <date>

You still need to answer attestation questions about this testimonial by the listed due date. If you don't, it will be either removed from your profile (LinkedIn), or we will automatically disavow it in a comment (Facebook). You can click on the testimonial to complete the attestation steps, which are also found in Accepting New Testimonials.


You've already answered attestation questions about this testimonial, and it is either being reviewed by compliance or is already live on your social media profile. 


You didn't answer attestation questions by the due date, and the testimonial was either been removed from your profile (LinkedIn), or we’ve automatically disavowed it in a comment (Facebook). 

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