Hearsay Profile Statuses and Their Meanings

Your social media profile includes static information that describes you or your business and is publicly viewable. In order to meet regulatory and social media policy obligations, your organization may require approval of your social media profiles by a system or compliance administrator, possibly before you are permitted to post, tweet, like or take other social media actions.


Hearsay Social Profile Statuses

Profile Pending Review

Profile status the first time you connect your profile to the Hearsay Social application. Your profile will remain in this status until your system administrator or compliance team approves or denies your social media profile. No action is required by you.


Changes Pending Review

Profile status after you have made changes and resubmitted your profile for approval. Your profile will remain in this status until your system administrator or compliance team approves or denies the changes to your social media profile. No action is required by you.


Profile Approved

Profile status after your profile has been approved and auto-uploaded to your social media network(s). No action is required by you.


Changes Denied

Profile status if any of the information you have provided has been denied due to a compliance issue within your organization. In this case, you will receive an email notifying you that your recent profile request has been denied.


Action Required

Profile status after the changes to your profile have been approved, but the changes cannot be auto-uploaded to your social media network. In this case, you will be prompted to manually add (copy/paste) the approved content to your social media network.

Changes Suggested 

Hearsay Social will allow Supervision Administrators to review social media profiles, suggest edits to profile content, and route the profile, with suggestions, back to the advisor to be published to the social network.

The advisor can either accept these changes or choose to revise and resubmit.


Note: You will also receive a notification within the Hearsay Social application. To display the notification, select the bell icon to the left of your username in the top right corner of the Hearsay Social application.


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