Sending the Opt-In (Attestation) Message (Mobile)

Attestation is the process of requesting permission to text message customers or prospects. This means getting legal consent to have communication and activity monitored and retained. Opt-In is a process which puts the power in the hands of your contacts and protects you and your staff regarding telecommunication regulations. In order to text compliantly, your organization will have chosen from either of the following opt-in methods:  

  • Opt-In: Requires the user to send the opt-in message. The contact must respond YES, verbatim, in order for the user to send further text messages.
  • Personalized Opt-In: Allows the user to include a greeting message that appears prior to the opt-in message. The contact must respond YES, verbatim, in order for the user to send further text messages.
  • Disclaimer/Implied Opt-In: The user sends the opt-in message and is able to send follow-up text messages directly after. The contact can opt-out of the conversation at any time by responding STOP.

Click on your desired section to learn more:

Sending the Opt-In Message (Mobile)

Sending the Disclaimer/Implied Opt-In Message (Mobile)

Sending the Opt-In Message (Mobile)

1. Open the Hearsay Mobile application on your phone and tap the Conversation button at the bottom of the screen.

2. Tap the Pencil in the top right corner of the application.

3. Begin typing the contact's phone number or name (if previously saved).

If you have not yet saved your contact, simply type the phone number and select +Add to Contacts to add a new contact. On the next screen enter the contact's information and tap Save.

If you've already saved the contact, simply tap on the name.

4. The opt-in message will appear in the text box for you to read and review. If your organization allows, you may be able to personalize this message. Proceed by personalizing the message (as shown below) and click the blue arrow to send the opt-in message. If your organization does not allow you to customize the message, simply click the blue arrow to send the opt-in message as-is.

Note: the Opt-in message has a 500 character limit.

Your contact will be instructed to respond with the word, “Yes.” If they respond with anything except “Yes” or “Stop”, Hearsay Relate will respond on your behalf, reminding the user to respond “Yes” verbatim, in order to continue texting.

Once the contact responds, “Yes” the bottom of the screen will unlock and you can begin sending additional text messages.

Resending the (Opt-In) Attestation Text:

If the contact does not respond for 24 hours, and if permitted by your organization, you may re-send the opt-in message. To re-send, locate your contact's conversation and tap Ask For Permission to re-send. This button will only reappear once 24 hours have passed since your prior attempt.

Note: The ability to resend the opt-in message, as well as the number of attempts available to resend it, is controlled by your organization and varies amongst Hearsay customers. For more specific information, please consult your organization's compliance team.

Sending the Disclaimer (Implied Opt-In) Message (Mobile)

Another option available, based on your organization's compliance policy, is the Implied Opt-In method. This prompts you to first send the opt-in message. However, directly after, you can begin texting your contact using your own custom language without the contact needing to respond Yes. Your contact can opt out of the conversation at any time by responding STOP.

1. Open the Hearsay Relate mobile application on your phone and tap the pencil icon in the top-right corner.

2. Tap the Pencil in the top right corner of the application.

3. Begin typing the contact's phone number or name (if previously saved).

If you have not yet saved your contact, simply type the phone number and select +Add to Contacts to add a new contact. On the next screen enter the contact's information and tap Save.

If you've already saved the contact, simply tap on the name.

4. The disclaimer/implied opt-in attestation message will appear in the text box for you to read and review. Simply tap the blue arrow to send the implied opt-in attestation message. You can begin texting the contact as soon as a delivery receipt is confirmed (usually less than 2 seconds).



  • If a contact responds STOP to the opt-in message, then Relate adds them to the opted-out list and blocks sending messages or making calls to them. If the contact who has previously opted-out sends another message saying UNSTOP (verbatim), then they will be moved to the opted-in list and Relate will enable sending messages and making calls to them.



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