Creating Facebook Events

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The following video will walk through how to create events natively on Facebook. Events are a great way to spread the word about activities or happenings taking place either related to your business or within your community. Your network will be able to review information such as when the event will take place and will have the option to RSVP.


As a best practice, make sure to create your events ahead of time! The more time you allow, the better your network can prepare to attend your event. And in the meantime, feel free to post within your event once a week leading up to the event to remind users who haven't yet RSVP'd.

Further, make sure to share your event wide! Copy your event's URL address and share it to your other networks to ensure your event is spread to the widest audience available!

NOTE: Be sure to connect first with your social administration team to ensure you have permission to be accessing Facebook directly on behalf of your business with the intention on creating and sharing Facebook events.

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