Adding Contacts in Bulk

Hearsay users can upload contacts in bulk to their Hearsay workspace to help save time and start conversations with their entire book of business from one single place. To bulk-add contacts, follow the instructions below:

1. On the Contacts page, click Add Contacts, then select Upload your Contacts.

2. Either select a CSV file from your computer, or drag a file from an open folder. 

    • The CSV file must contain, at least, a first name, last name, and phone number field.
    • If you need to add contacts to a CSV file, there is a sample file attached to the bottom of the article that you can download and use as a template. If you are having trouble with your CSV file, read Preparing Your Book of Business into a .CSV File for Uploading
    • If you're using Numbers on Mac, you might need to export your file to the CSV format after editing it.

3. After uploading your file, a preview of the first three of your contacts appears. Make sure the columns match the appropriate Hearsay field. If they don't, use the drop downs to select the correct field.

4. Click Submit.

5. Review the attestation popup and respond appropriately. 

After importing, you will receive an email with an attachment of the contacts that were added. The attachment also shows you any rows that couldn't be added due to an error, and displays the reason for the error (usually missing data). 

Add to Lists (Optional): 

From the Import Your Contacts page, users can add contacts to personalized Lists if they want to. Lists are here to help classify groups of contacts within the Contacts page. If you previously created Lists on your Hearsay workspace, simply choose one by clicking Select a List

 Or create a new List by typing the name of your choice, and click Create

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